AppGoblin: Mobile App Store Data and Stats

AppGoblin is an open source project for collecting Google & Apple App Store data and presenting it for developers and marketers. AppGoblin features app store daily ranks and stats about mobile ad networks, data analytics tools, MMPs and app-ads.txt stats.

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App Store Scanned Apps
Android AppsiOS AppsAndroid Weekly ScansiOS Weekly Scans
966,085 / 2,156,542708,000 / 1,340,569621,176 / 1,191,515308,666 / 390,542

Most Popular Ad Networks, MMPs & Analytics

By downloading and opening up the top apps and games from the Google and iOS Appstore we can see which third-party ad networks and trackers are used across the various App Store categories. The lists include various ad networks, MMPs, tracking, analytics and other 3rd party services which likely collect app data. You can also help expand these lists. Check out all the SDKs, Companies and Ad Network rankings.

Apps Checked for SDKs
Total AppsAndroid Apps Scanned This WeekiOS Apps Scanned This Week
26,252 / 37,996634 / 1,99415 / 411
App Ads.txt URLs
Total URLsURLs Scanned This Week
79,899 / 656,21351,789 / 246,933

Latest App Store Ranks

Click through for full app store categories and rankings.

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