/ Category: Books,And,Reference
Apps Scanned for SDKs
Total Apps Scanned
Apps: 0
Apps: 0
Monthly Installs: 0
Apps: 0
Monthly Installs: 0
App-Ads.txt DIRECT apps
Android Adstxt apps
iOS Adstxt apps
SDK data is derived by downloading the app's Android APK or iOS IPA file and unzipped. We then check the app's data for SDK signatures in paths, AndroidManifest.xml and the Info.plist. Many apps are unable to be zipped. Downloading and opening the APK or IPA takes time and resources thus the smaller totals.
Total Android Apps: 0
Total iOS Apps: 0
App Ads.txt
App-ads.txt files are an open standard by the IAB to help combat ad fraud. This data was crawled from the URLs on the app's developer pages. Not all apps have app-ads.txt, many do not.
Total Android Apps: 7
Total iOS Apps: 15
Android SDK
App | Ratings | Rating Count (30d) |
App | Ratings | Rating Count (30d) |
Android App Ads.txt
App | Installs | Installs (30d) | |
1 | Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse | 10,430,803 | 212,719 |
2 | Bible Daily, KJV Bible + Audio | 4,237,658 | 163,933 |
3 | Holy Bible, KJV Bible + Audio | 4,472,614 | 98,930 |
4 | Lovella - Novels & Audiobooks | 57,658 | 38,497 |
5 | WhisperFM - Romance Novels | 877,432 | 24,508 |
6 | Quote For You | 7,736 | 76 |
7 | 喵喵閱讀-不花錢看小說電子書閱讀器總裁言情甜寵玄幻修仙 | 23,275 | 22 |
iOS App Ads.txt
App | Ratings | Rating Count (30d) | |
1 | Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse | 19,215 | 690 |
2 | FreeFM - Good Novels & Books | 6,553 | 625 |
3 | Holy Bible, KJV Bible + Audio | 11,420 | 282 |
4 | Love Text Messages and Quotes | 7,088 | 112 |
5 | Funny Jokes And Riddles | 4,082 | 32 |
6 | Emoji Keyboard - Gif Stickers | 2,025 | 8 |
7 | boook: Book Stories for Kids | 58 | 5 |
8 | Personality Trait Test Quiz | 211 | 4 |
9 | QR Code Reader - Quick Scanner | 70 | 1 |
10 | Fervor - Ignite Your Passion | 6 | N/A |
11 | Рассказки: книги для детей | 3 | N/A |
12 | FlingFM - Novels & Audiobooks | 14 | N/A |
13 | Image Editor - Filters Sticker | 1,100 | N/A |
14 | Sketch Pad - My Drawing Board | 1,122 | N/A |