/ Category: Entertainment
Apps Scanned for SDKs
Total Apps Scanned
Apps: 0
Apps: 0
Monthly Installs: 0
Apps: 0
Monthly Installs: 0

App-Ads.txt DIRECT apps
Android Adstxt apps
iOS Adstxt apps

SDK data is derived by downloading the app's Android APK or iOS IPA file and unzipped. We then check the app's data for SDK signatures in paths, AndroidManifest.xml and the Info.plist. Many apps are unable to be zipped. Downloading and opening the APK or IPA takes time and resources thus the smaller totals.

Total Android Apps: 0

Total iOS Apps: 0

App Ads.txt


App-ads.txt files are an open standard by the IAB to help combat ad fraud. This data was crawled from the URLs on the app's developer pages. Not all apps have app-ads.txt, many do not.

Total Android Apps: 379

Total iOS Apps: 161

Android SDK
AppRatingsRating Count (30d)
AppRatingsRating Count (30d)
Android App Ads.txt
AppInstallsInstalls (30d)
1ReelShort - Short Movies & TV61,138,6133,438,439
2Tamasha: Live Cricket, Movies50,584,6322,914,978
4Face Mash: Funny Mix Challenge3,120,7931,436,253
5Spin Wheel: Random Selection7,259,4421,187,682
6Battle Challenge: Funny Filter1,905,479904,163
7Vidio: Sports, Movies, Series95,820,513762,465
8Dog & Cat Translator Prank App15,190,485712,722
9Color Monster: Paint the Beat3,934,819674,310
10Air Horn: Funny Prank Sounds25,411,297632,403
11Idol Prank Video Call & Chat3,547,562599,853
12Haircut Prank - Hair Clipper10,159,599597,369
13This Or That Test: Fun Filter4,123,048597,126
14Rave – Watch Party59,848,128561,540
15Guess Challenge: Funny Filter885,838498,912
16Viva One3,534,410480,751
17Haircut prank, air horn & fart76,875,593470,338
18Spranbox Battle: Mix beats3,307,136428,674
19GreenTuber block ads on videos17,279,569423,455
20Mods, Maps for Minecraft PE92,106,366422,770